Integrate Sitoo with Rule

Rule has a ready-made integration with Sitoo that makes it easy to view and save customer and order data in both Sitoo and Rule. The integration creates the opportunity to set up advanced programs for communication around customer clubs, loyalty programs, digital receipt copy, marketing automation and more. You can set up automation flows in Rule such as Thank you for your purchase, Retention and Winback.

The integration is free to use for the Rule's customers and you can activate it yourself in a few simple steps.

How to integrate Sitoo and Rule?

Settings in Rule

  1. Log in to Rule and go to the developer page
  2. Click "New API Key". The API key is an important security credential,so treat it with care, like a password.
  3. Click "Copy". Now you have the API key in your computer's clipboard, and now you're done in Rule!

Settings in Sitoo

  1. Sign in to your Sitoo backoffice. 
  2. Then click Settings - Custom CRM (Figure 1). If you don't see this menu selection, please let me know they can help activate the module.
  3. Then please add the link in the field "API URL". (Figure 2)
  4. Paste the API key from your computer's clipboard (Mac cmd+v, Win ctrl+v) in the "API Token" box. 
  5. Under the heading "Registration of new contact" and "Update of contact" check that at least one of the fields email and telefonummer are set as "Displayed and can be edited" / "Shown and editable"
  6. Click "Save/Spara" in the lower right corner (Figure 2), to save your settings.

Now the connection is activated and you can try to enter a customer and order in Sitoo POS. After a successful purchase, the data will be visible in Rule. Groups and custom field are automatically created after the first completed purchase. Examples of what it can look like in Rule, you will see later in this article, under the heading "What data is shown in Rule?".

You have now completed the most important settings in both Rule and Sitoo - well done!  

What advanced settings are available in Sitoo?

Below are settings that are not required for the integration to work, but could create even more opportunities, for advanced usage. 

Note The new Sitoo-Address, Sitoo-Contact, Sitoo-Order groups are designed to be automatically managed between two computer systems. We do not recommend making manual updates to that data. Should you do so, it is very important to use exactly the data fields and formats that are already in use. If incorrect fields or data formats are added here, these customers may no longer appear in Sitoo POS: 

Other settings and required fields for registration (Figure 2)

What you fill in as "search placeholder" is what the store staff sees when they search for the customer in Sitoo POS. Phone and email are searchable in Rule, we therefore recommend that you type "Phone or email" or "Phone or email".

Here you can select mandatory fields for customers to enter. In Rule it is possible to search for, and save people with email and/or mobile phone (not e.g. social security number). We therefore recommend not to require email or phone, but let the customer choose. 

Custom CRM (Figure 3)

Registration of new contact - Under custom crm you have the option to choose the information you want customers to be able to enter, which is then sent to Rule as a custom field. We recommend keeping the number of fields low, so registration is quick and smooth in the store, it may be for example. be enough with email, mobile phone, first name, last name.

Update of contact - Here you can select fields that can be updated afterwards by the customer or you. Here it is possible to select more fields, so the customer can add more data afterwards, e.g. address and age, if desired.

Fig. 1

Figure 2

How does it work in Sitoo POS?

If you click Add customer, you have the option to add a new customer, or find an existing one.

You have the option to either search by phone number or e-mail address (not e.g. social security number).

A common question is about the ability to search for e.g. emails with easier matching so that you don't have to type the whole email exactly as it should be. However, from a GDPR perspective it is so that you have to write exact value to get the customer up. Our advice then is to ask for mobile numbers in the first place, but to give the customer the option to register the email afterwards, if they want.

If the customer is exists previously, the customer card will appear, which os fetched from Rule. Now you have the opportunity to see contact details and the latest purchases:

If it's a new customer, it will look like this, if you click OK, the customer will be able to post their details. These fields are also something you set before in the Sitoo backoffice depending on what kind of data you want to collect:

Example of receipt:

What data is displayed in Sitoo?

After you activate the integration, the system is ready to receive new registration of customers at checkout. After new customers have been added, you can see their customer cards and previous orders directly in Sitoo POS (see pictures above).

If you also want to see other order data in Sitoo POS that already exists in Rule , e.g. from an e-commerce site, this is also possible. In that case, your Rule account needs to be configured for this. please guide you further.

What data is shown in Rule?

The data from Sitoo is saved as Custom fields, which appear on the Customer Card in Rule (see picture). 

They are saved in the "Sitoo-Address", "Sitoo-Contact" and "Sitoo-order" groups.

Sync historical orders from Sitoo to Rule 

When the integration is set up, new orders from Sitoo come to Rule, if you have old orders in Sitoo that have not come over, we can sync these manually. To do this, you need to add Sitoo login details under Settings -> Integration -> "Sitoo" Add login details.

Once done, notify how to collect historical orders from Sitoo 

Import bonus checks

In Rule - Sitoo integration you can manage bonus checks, to use it you import a file with subscribers and their bonus data and they will then be visible and can be used in Sitoo POS. If the subscriber does not have a bonus check, no bonus check will be shown in Sitoo POS, if the bonus check is present it will look like the image below: 

What the bonus check looks like inside Sitoo POS 

The member field that handles bonus cheques is " Sitoo-Contact.bonuschecks" and is of type JSON.All data points in the example below are important for bonus cheques to work. When a bonus check is used, Sitoo sends back the date when the bonus was used and how much bonus you have left.

Examples of import .xls and .txt files:

For more information on how to set up marketing automation feeds klicka här.

When you are done with your settings, make a test call to Rule for all your feeds, then you will be able to see in your account in Rule which data you receive and to which tag.

Got stuck on any step? Contact us at We will gladly help you!

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