Journey Builder - FAQ

The purpose of Journey Builder is to enable you to communicate more but with fewer mailings. When you set up a Journey, you will be able to build several different flows, with both email and SMS messages. If a member or customer matches with several segments in your Journey, for example if you have set up communication about "News", "Back-in-stock" and an "Offer", this will be sent as a combined email to the member / customer instead of three separate mailings. We also recommend that you read our Journey Builder - kom igång guide before you get started. 

Here we have answered the most frequently asked questions for the Journey Builder: 

  1. How Header & Footer work in Journey Builder
  2. How do I change the sender in Journey Builder?
  3. How do I link in the button?
  4. How do switches work in Journey Builder?
  5. Moving content sets between Journeys?
  6. Troubleshooting: My Journey is not sent
  7. Triggering emails on order history
  8. Send emails when a recipient has not shopped for X days?

In Journey Builder, we call Header and Footer the "Header" and "Footer". In each Journey you add your "Header" and "Footer" where you see in the image below that it is circled, and never inside the mail builder itself.

2. How to change the sender in Journey Builder

In the Editor inside the email, click on the arrow circled in the image.

Then this view comes up. There you can choose to change both "Sender name" and "Sender email".

3. Add a button with a link

You can add a button in two ways, either there is a button in the "Editor", or you can pull up the "Button" block where you want it in the email. There you will be able to style the button according to your preferences and add a link. 

This pop-up appears automatically when you add a button. In the circled field, add the link. 

4. How switches work in Journey Builder

Här we describe how a switch works, as the video below shows, it is first 2 switches (1st order, and 3+ orders) I add another switch with segment "Journey VIP" and add another image.

Different switches are connected to different segments. If a receiver were to match multiple segments, the priority is the segment you match first. So, if a recipient matches both 3+ orders and Journey VIP, the recipient will receive 3+ orders because that switch comes first. 

5. Moving content sets between Journeys

In order to move a content set between different Journeys, you must first ensure that the trigger type is the same as the one you are moving to. In this example, I want to move the content set "15% discount" to the lane/flow "Winback".

  1. Click on the three dots on the emails you want to move.
  2. Click on "Move to"
  3. Then choose which "Journey" you want to move to
  4. Then to which "Lane/Flow"

As you can see, the email says "15% discount!".

6. troubleshooting: My Journey is not being sent

A simple mistake is to forget to activate the entire "Journey". Double check that everything is set as "Active" and not just the mail itself. 

  1. Activate the entire Journey here
  2. Even single emails must be "Active".
  3. Here you can see that all emails in this "Lane/Flow" are active.

Another simple mistake you can make is to forget to select "Segment" in the email. Double check that you have selected something here. 

7. Trigger mail on order history

You can set up your win-back emails in two different ways, the difference is whether you want to trigger an email X days since you made your last purchase, or when an order is X days old. We will show both!

Send mail when an order is X days old

Start by clicking in so we can change the "Trigger" type to "Relative date".

  1. Click in "Relative date"
  2. Select custom field "Date"
  3. Click save

Then just fill in the number of days you want it to be sent out, and make sure to check that the email is also "Active".

Send mail when a recipient hasn't shopd on X days 

If we want to trigger an email on when it was X days since a recipient last shopped, you make a filter with the rule, in this case 120 days ago. in the filter you can of course choose after how many days you want. 

  1. Click on "Members"
  2. Then on "Segment"

Then click on "+ New segment" in the top right corner

  1. Name the segment
  2. Select the tag "OrderCompleted" 
  3. Click in "Regular segment"
  4. Create

Then you will get this view, and you should set up the rule for your segment.

  1. Make sure that "All" is filled in.
  2. In the first field you select "OrderDate", in the next field "exact number of days ago" and finally you select the number of days ago, in this case 120. 
  3. Save and sync

After the segment is created, go back into the "Journey Builder", double check that the trigger is correct, just like in the step above. Then change the segment to the one you created. 

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