Integrate Sift Lab with Rule

How does the integration with Sift Lab work?

Take your digital marketing to a new level by combining Sift Labs kraftfulla plattform for segmentation and personalization with your Rule account. Export segments from Sift Lab directly to Rule as tags and target your marketing. Use personalized product recommendations directly in your email campaigns or automations, meaning personalized content for each recipient.

The integration is divided into 2 parts:

  1. Export segments from Sift Lab to Rule 
  2. Personal product recommendations

How do I set up integration?

Export slices

  1. Log in to Rule and go to the developer page
  2. Click on the "New API Key". The API key is a security credential,so treat it carefully, like a password.
  3. Feel free to give your API key a name e.g. Sift Lab.
  4. Click "Copy". Now you have the API key in your computer's clipboard (ClipBook Viewer).
  5. Send the API key to your contact person at Sift Lab and it will be entered correctly. 
  6. The user identifier used in Rule must be present as user metadata in the Sift Lab platform. The default identifier is in Rule. Please let us know if you use a custom identifier.

Once everything is in place, when you export a segment from your platform, you have a new export target available called "Rule". Exported segments appear as tags in Rule where you can make targeted mailings to the newly created tag.

You will also be able to filter on unsubscribe status from Rule when creating segments in your Sift Lab platform. These are the available fields. They have either a value of 1 (unsubscribed) or 0 (not subscribed).

  • rule_email_campaign_unsub
  • rule_email_transactional_unsub
  • rule_sms_campaign_unsub
  • rule_sms_transactional_unsub

Personal product recommendations

Once everything is in place, you can send personalized emails that are dynamically populated with product recommendations from Sift Lab. Having multiple templates for customized recommendations can be a step to take it even further. Create multiple profiles with specific business rules and have Rule create a template for each. Add categorized blocks of custom recommendations in your content where you filter recommendations on specific category data.

  1. Make sure your user data in Rule contains the user identifier used in Sift Lab. If it does not already exist, make sure to include it in your export to Rule. Rule will use this id to retrieve recommendations from the Sift Lab platform.
  2. Select which product metadata Rule should access. Rule uses OG tags found on web pages as product data for recommendations. We either deliver OG tags from product pages on your website or from your product metadata on the Sift Lab platform.
  3. Create an API profile inside the Sift Lab platform. This will allow you to configure the recommendations used by Rule directly from the platform.
  4. Create an API key inside Sift Lab platform with access to the api profile created in the previous step. This is done under the settings menu / Account / API keys.
  5. Kontakta Rule för en anpassad e -postmall som använder personliga rekommendationer och ge dem en länk till profilen med rekommendationer från din plattform i formuläret: exempel:{ID}/recommendations/user-to-items?User={USERID}&Limit={LIMIT}
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