Rule Postman collection

Rule has built a Postman collection to make it easy to test Rule's API with your account in Rule. It's especially useful when you're working on building a custom integration that uses Rule's API to send and retrieve data.

About Postman

Postman is an application that allows developers to test, share, and document APIs. Using Postman collections saves time because you don't have to go through the API documentation to set up API routes manually.

Using Postman

Setting up Postman is easy.

Rule's Postman collection can be downloaded directly from the Rule's API dokumentation:

You load Rule's Postman collection either through your browser or through Postman on your computer. You need to create a free account to use Postman if you do not already have one. 

Once you have loaded the Rules v2 Postman collection, you can find it under the Collections section of Postman.

To start using the Postman collection, you first need to add a Rule API key from the Rules sida för utvecklare and paste it into the "Token" field.

Now you should be able to run all the routers that are in your Postman collection without having to set up more things, as all routers are prefilled.

When making a call, simply select which route you want to test and click the 'Send' button. The response you receive from the call will appear in the lower part of the box.

The installation of the Rule Postman collection is now complete!

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