Discount codes in Rule

You can easily upload discount codes in Rule and use them in your mailings.

The advantage of using this feature is that you get an overview of how many discount codes are left and/or have been used, so you know when you need to upload new ones. 


Before uploading the discount codes, you need to make sure that the codes are stored in a text file with the format .txt 

Each discount code in the text file must be separated by a new line as shown.

Upload discount codes

1. If you click on Settings in the drop-down menu that you get by clicking on the account name at the top right, you have Discount Codes in the menu at the top left.

2. Click on Add group and give the group a name, e.g. the name of the automation (no spaces in the name and do not use "Å", "Ä" or "Ö").

3. Once you have created your group, it is time to upload the discount codes. Click Upload and select the text file with the discount codes.

For the number of codes to appear under Number, you need to refresh or reload the page.

5. Now you're done uploading the discount codes!

The number of codes remaining is shown under Number. Every time you use a discount code in a mailing, a discount code will be drawn.

To delete a group of discount codes, first click on Clear and then on Delete.

Fill in discount codes

When the number of discount codes gets low, it's time to upload more discount codes. 

Click on Upload for the discount code you want to add and select the text file with the new codes, once this is done the new number will appear under Quantity. The new discount codes are simply added to the existing codes.

Use discount codes in your mailing

To add the discount codes to your mailings, you need to copy the URL that links to them. 

1. Click on Copy link. This copies the selected URL to your clipboard, which you can then easily paste into your mailings.

The URL that is copied looks like this:


2. When you create your campaign, paste the URL into the editor where you want the discount code to appear. 

3. Now you are ready to add the discount code to your mailing! It will look like this:

Get notified when discount codes are running out 

To ensure that your mailings contain discount codes and have not run out, we have a function that we call notifications. Then you can get a notification inside Rule, by email and SMS. You can read more about Rule notifications här

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