Technical issues campaign - FAQ

In this article, we will go through common questions that may arise when creating campaigns. If you still haven't found an answer to your question after reading this, you can contact

We will go through the following:

  1. Where do those who deregister end up?
  2. How to copy a campaign & Re-targeting
  3. Sender information does not match, what happened?
  4. Why does the campaign look weird when I've forwarded it?
  5. Why do you need the "Open the email in a browser" function?

1. Where do those who deregister end up?

When a customer clicks on the "unsubscribe" link in a newsletter, the customer is immediately blocked in Rule. You can find blocked customers under "Members" and the "Blocked" tab on the far right side of the screen. Immediately after unsubscribing, the customer is directed to a landing page that confirms that the customer is unsubscribed. 

You can of course direct the customer to their own page immediately after deregistration, which we recommend. Then you own the entire process and have the opportunity to communicate with the customer as you wish. Tips on how to act after the customer has unsubscribed can be questionnaires about why they choose to leave, attract them back with discount codes or collect feedback for continued customer club work, etc. You can find more tips on how to manage unsubscriptions at vår blogg

You add your own landing page for unsubscriptions in the red fields under "Settings", as shown in the image below: 

2. How to copy a campaign & Re-targeting

We call resending a campaign re-targeting and it enables several ways of working for you as a user. Among other things, you can choose to resend your campaign, but for example choose to send it only to those who did not open the first mailing. You can also choose to extract these customers to an individual tag or as a separate file. 

To use re-targeting:

  • Go to Campaigns, click the copy button, and the same campaign will be copied and put under draft again, so you can send it to a new tag/filter .

Copy campaign in Rule From Rule Communication On Vimeo.

Who can you resend the campaign to?

  • You can also export the statistics for your Sent campaigns to a file, such as Excel. You can then use that file with those members to resend the campaign to. See below which statistics you can export and resend your mailing to.

3. the sender information is not correct, what has happened?

Sender information and emails for senders are automatically downloaded to the email builder from what has been entered under Settings. You can either adjust the sender information manually for an individual campaign or also change the sender settings under "Settings" for future campaigns. 

For example, if you have a subsidiary or several brands that require their own senders, or if you want to distinguish members, users, templates, etc. please contact To add sub-accounts.

4. Why does the campaign look strange when I forward it?

We advise you not to forward promotions through your mail client. 

Forwarding a campaign sent via Rule means that it can be affected by the mail client's settings and how it perceives and chooses to display the campaign's code with structure, images, etc. How forwarded campaigns are affected is controlled by external programs such as Outlook, Gmail, etc. and thus does not originate from your basic template in Rule. This may mean that the campaign you forwarded has a different appearance.

Are you experiencing any of the problems described above? Try resending the campaign live to yourself (or via preview) or to a colleague.

5. Why do you need the "Open the email in a browser" function?

It is not a requirement to include this function, but it does not hurt to include it in your mailing. "Open the email in a browser" is an alternative display method that we think is worth having. If a recipient cannot read your mailing, or if the email is full of broken image links, for example, it is not a good experience for the customer and there is a great risk that they will unsubscribe. This is why it is absolutely necessary to have a link that clearly says 'Open the email in a browser'.

43% of all email openings take place on a mobile device and therefore it is important to provide consumers with an alternative viewing option, especially for those who are unsure how to change their inbox settings so that links and images are rendered correctly when opened.

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