Winback flow in Automations

How to set up a Winback flow in Automations

Just because a customer has not shopped or shown interest in your business for a while, it does not mean that the customer is lost. The previous customer may still want to buy your product or service, it's just a matter of giving the customer a reason to come back, for example with the help of a Winback email, here you can read more about Win-Back. In this KB article we will show you step by step how to set up Win back flows in Automations.


  1. Click on "Dashboard"
  2. Then click on "Automations"

  1. Then click on "New automation"
  2. Name your automation here
  3. Click on the "Arrow"
  4. Here it should be "Tag"
  5. Select "OrderCompleted"
  6. Then choose whether you want to start creating a "Mail" or "SMS".

In this example we will show you how to create an email. After we click on "Add mail", we need to choose a template. We chose "Custom Super Template" but you can choose any template you want. 

Then you build the mailing itself. You can easily add and remove blocks to create the layout you want.

After you have set up your email the way you want it, it is good to do the following:

  1. Remember to save from time to time while creating the mailing as nothing is autosaved in automations.
  2. You can send a preview to your email to see what your creation will look like.
  3. Here you can change the sender name and email if you want to.
  4. Add a UTM campaign and UTM term
  5. Do not forget to add a "Heading"

After that, you can continue building on as many emails or SMS as you wish. 

After you have built your Win back flow, we will schedule when we want the different emails and SMS to be sent to the customer. Automatically, it is set to be sent "Direct", to change, click on the "Gear"

Then you get this view, click on the switch so that it says "Date".

  1. As you can see it says 'Date' here now
  2. Select "OrderDate", then "is days ago", and then fill in how many days you want the email to be sent out after the last order. In this case we wrote 120 days
  3. Decide what time of day the mailing should be sent.
  4. Save!

Note if you cannot find the field "OrderDate", the next step will show you how to change it.

If you cannot find the "OrderDate" field, proceed as follows:

  1. Click here
  2. Then select "Members"

  1. Then click on "Groups and custom field"
  2. Then click on the one called "Order".

Make sure the one called "Date" is filled in to "Date" then save it.

Then that field will come up and you can go back and continue scheduling your automations.

After you have timed everything, make sure that everything is active.

  1. You must click on each mailing separately
  2. And activate the whole flow

Congratulations! You have now set up your winback flow. If you have any other questions, please contact support and they will help you!

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