How to use your Custom Super Template

In this article we will go through how to make simple changes and styling in the template called "Custom Super Template", but you can also make these changes in your other templates. We recommend that you start by setting up your Brand Style before reading this article, if you are going to use "Custom Super Template" as your template.

We will go through the following:

  1. Add a button
  2. Delete a block, move up/down or add a similar one.
  3. How can you pull content from your website
  4. Links
  5. What are advanced settings? (which are not advanced)
  6. Change the color of the "Rate your experience" block

1. Add a button

If you want to change the color of all buttons, we recommend that you change it inside the Brand Style. Then there is a "Simple Button" you can use. 

Note that you do this in Campaigns, Automations or Journey Builder.

There is a "button icon" in the editor that you can always use. It is circled at the top right, click on it!

You will then see this view. Here you decide what the button should look like.

  1. Select text on the button
  2. Enter your URL
  3. Select "Font Size", i.e. how big you want the text to be
  4. Select "Border Radius", this means how rounded the corners you want on the button.
  5. Select "Background color" on the button
  6. Click "OK" when you are done

As you can see, the button is there. If you want to change the text color or bold the text, etc., you can do it up there in the editor that is circled. Done!

2. Delete a block, move up/down, or add a similar one.

Click on the desired block you want to remove, move up/down, or add a similar one.

Note that you do this in Campaigns or Automations. 

  1. Clicking here will add a block similar to the one you selected.
  2. Clicking here will delete the entire highlighted block.
  3. If you click on the up arrow, you move the block up, and can click up as many times as you like until you think it is in the right place. Similarly, if you want to move down

3. How can you pull content from your website

With the help of Open Graph meta tags allow you to control what is retrieved from your website when a certain link is placed in a block when you create your mailings. The Open Graph function in Rule is based on the same logic as when you share a link in social media and want to control how the content from the link is displayed. For Open Graph drag and drop to work, it is required that the website supports OG and that the attributes for image, link and text have been added so that we can capture these. 

You can check this out with your webmaster. As long as the support is on your website, you can use the feature in your campaigns.

Note that you do this in Campaigns or Automations.

And draw it in this way:

Note that the link is retracted by clicking and holding the padlock as in the clip below.

4. links

It's basically the same wherever you want to link, but if you want to learn more, you can find more answers to your questions in this article. Länkar - FAQ

Note that you do this in Campaigns, Automations or Journey Builder.


Select what you want to link, then click on the icon circled in the image.

Then you get this view, in the field "URL", you enter your URL. Then "OK", after that you have a link in your mailing.

You can also choose to link to an email address, so when a customer/member clicks on the link, they get an email that they can then send off.

  1. Select "Link type" to "Email"
  2. Enter the email address you want to link to
  3. You can predefine a subject line for the customer, for example in this case "I want to book a demo", the same with the field below, you can choose a predefined start of the email to make it easier for the customer. You can choose to ignore both of these fields.
  4. Then click "OK" and you have now linked to an email address!

5. What are "Advanced settings" (which are not advanced)?

By clicking on the Advanced settings button, you are given the possibility to change some predefined settings manually. By activating the settings you can change the following: 

Note that you do this in Campaigns and Automations. 

  • Underlined links. It is preset that they should not be underlined, but you can change it by selecting "Yes" or "No". 
  • Global link colors mean that you can manually enter color codes as desired, to match your graphic profile. 
  • Image Layout-Removes margins around images in Gmail, among other things.

Click on "Advanced settings" located on the right hand side

Then select the settings you wish to make.

6. Change the color of the "Rate your experience" block

Note that you do this in Campaigns and Automations. 


Start by highlighting all the stars or the ones you want to change color

  1. Then click on the circled icon
  2. You can select the colors that are visible or click on "More colors..."

You will then see this view.

  1. Enter your color code here
  2. Then click "OK" to save


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