Setting up "Direct retrieval" to retrieve content

In this article, we will go through step-by-step how to get started retrieving content from your website or e-commerce using "Direct Retrieval". This means that you don't have to create all the content for products or articles. Instead, Rule retrieves it directly from your website or e-commerce by providing a link in the email itself. When the newsletter is sent out, all content is automatically retrieved from the specified link.

> You can retrieve content used in templates in several ways, to find the way that suits you. klicka här!

We will go through:

  1. What you need to set up internally 
  2. Guide on how to use "Direct download" in the Rule

1. What you need to set up internally

You need to create an HTML page that contains only the content to be retrieved. So not a regular page that contains for example header and footer etc. as you see in the example below. 

HTML-koden får bara innehålla det stycket kod som kommer att appliceras mitt i mallen, dvs den får inte innehålla element såsom <html> <head> eller <body>.

2. Guide on how to use "Direct download" in the Rule

  1. Click on "Campaigns"
  2. Click on "New mail"
  3. Choose which template, in this example below we took the template "Empty Template" which is in the template library that is open to everyone. Note that you can choose which one you want
  4. Then the view looks like this. Click where you want to add your custom content

  1. Click on "custom field" in the top right corner.
  2. Select "Global material"

Then you get this. Put your link to the custom content you created after "..."

Done! Look at the example below for a clearer understanding. 

This is what it looks like in email creation:

This is what it looks like in the live mailing to the customer. The function retrieves the image, product information and price without any extra work for you!

For questions about "Direct Collection" and other possible uses, please contact us at with a description and we will reconnect shortly.

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