How do I create a combined segment?

In this article we will go through how to set up a combined segment and what it means!

Before you start, we recommend that you have understood what:

  1. What is a custom field is
  2. How segments work

We will go through:

  1. What is a combined segment?
  2. Examples of combined segments
  3. How do you set up a combined segment?

1. What is a combined segment?

Combining segments means exactly what it says, taking two or more segments with their different values and merging them into one. A combined segment has the same properties as a regular segment, the only difference is that its values are multiple and the client must match all the rules in the combined segment. 

2. Example of combined segment

We will go through two different examples and in step 3 we will go through and show how to set up the combined segment with images step by step!

Example 1: We want to segment two different types of member data and create a combined segment for them. For example, we want to get members who come from Sweden and have spent more than SEK 3000 to be able to make a customized mailing to them, perhaps offering a discount code for their next purchase. 


  1. First you need to create a regular segment, which is based on the tag where you have your members, and then when you set up rules, you should have the segment rule "Spårk=Sweden". 
  2. Sedan skapar du ett nytt vanligt segment, som också baseras på den tagg där du har dina ordrar, och sätter upp regeln spenderat < 3000 kronor
  3. Now we want to combine these two common segments we made, how to do that we will show in step 3 below.

Example 2: We want to segment out all members who speak English and have opened the last four newsletters. This shows engagement from the customer and you can then create a customized mailing for them.


  1. First you need to create a regular segment, which is based on the tag where you have your English members, and then when setting up rules you should have the segment rule "Language=English"
  2. Then you create a new common segment, based on the tag you have for your English-speaking newsletters, and set up the rule "Opened 4 recent mailings".
  3. Now we want to combine these two common segments we made, how to do that we will show in step 3 below. 

3. How do you set up the combined segment?

We will go through Example 1. It is the same logic whatever combined segment you want to make. Make two regular segments and then merge them into one combined segment.

Set up "Ordinary segment" 1

Step 1

  1. Click on "Members"
  2. Then on "Segment"

Step 2

Then click on "+ New segment" in the top right corner

Step 3

  1. Name the "Segment" something appropriate.
  2. Describe what the segment will do, this is not mandatory.
  3. Select the tag the segment should be based on
  4. Fill in "Ordinary segment"
  5. Create!

Step 4

  1. Match "All"
  2. Select the 'Language' field
  3. Select "Is equal to"
  4. Select which 'Language'
  5. Save and sync!
Set up "Ordinary segment" 2

Step 1

Follow steps 1 and 2 in "Regular segment" above.

Step 2

  1. Match "All"
  2. Select your order field
  3. Select "is greater than or equal to"
  4. Then the amount, in this case it is 3000, but you can choose the amount. 
  5. Save and sync 

Combine segments

Follow steps 1 and 2 in "Regular segment" above.

  1. Name the 'Segment'
  2. Describe what the segment will do, this is not mandatory.
  3. Select tag(s)
  4. Select "Combined segment"
  5. Create

  1. Match "All"
  2. Select the two segments you just set up
  3. Save and sync

Done! You have now set up a "Combined segment".

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